Monday, March 18, 2024

Logging Some Notes on Naive Intelligent Design Theory. Part II

The logic of NAive ID's epistemology: "I can't see any intelligent agency here: Therefore, I conclude that cars are created by
natural processes.
". It's ironic that the NAive IDists and Dawkinites would agree on this point!
(Picture from: Photo & Art Print robot assembly line in car factory (

This current post picks up on some matters arising from my last post on Casey Luskin's take on Intelligent Design and Evolution. 


ONE) Here we go again:  The group think momentum of NAive ID continues in this post on Evolution News:

Can Evolution and Design Work in Harmony? | Evolution News


But if the design can be explained through natural processes, there is little need to invoke intelligent design. After all, the whole point of mainstream evolutionary theory is to render any need for design superfluous.

Dr. Dilley also explains why Kojonen’s model contradicts our natural intuition to detect design. If we look at a hummingbird under Kojonen’s proposal, we are still required to see unguided natural processes at work, the appearance of design without actual intelligent design. Yet we are also supposed to acknowledge that an intelligent designer front-loaded the evolutionary process with the creative power it needs to produce the hummingbird. So is it intelligently designed, or isn’t it? The theist on the street is left scratching his or her head.

Yes, the so-called theist-on-the-street is left scratching their heads and these theists are none other than the North American Intelligent Design community. It ought to be quite clear to any sufficiently educated theist that a physical regime capable of generating life could only come out of the workings of an all but omniscient mind. The NAIDs are educated but they have painted themselves into a group-think corner which commits their sub-culture to an erroneous XOR epistemic filter, imposing a straight ID vs Natural forces binary choice on the subject. Along with Dawkinesque atheists they have wrongly equated evolution with a form of deism; it is a very short step from deism to the complete elimination of deity.

See also the following: The error of the title speaks for itself. It is clear that the NAIDs who write this sort of stuff have absolutely no inkling that they are merely scratching the surface of the subject:


TWO) Rate of creation of information.  The following pertains to mathematical work I have done and continue to do...

An error propagated in both NAID culture and among Christian Young Earthists is that God's physical regime can't generate information. This is untrue.....

Firstly, let's start with this simple equation:

Unconditional probability of life = Prob (Organic configuration)

The highly organized yet highly complex configurations of life are such a small statistical class in the immense sea of randomness that the probability of organized complexity arising by naked chance can be neglected even given the immense number of trials supplied by a universe billions of years old and billions of light years across. The dimensions of space-time, even if measured in billions, doesn't even scratch the surface of unconditional probabilities so deeply negatively logarithmic that one has to get past billions of zero digits to the right of the decimal point before one hits non-zero digits. Hence, the probability of life being generated can only be significant if the right pre-conditions exist. That is:

Conditional probability of life ~ significant = Prob(Organic configuration, right conditions)

What we are asking for here is that given the right generating conditions life could be generated in a reasonable number of trials because each trial has an enhanced probability of generating life by virtue of the physical regime embodied in those right conditions. 

These trials have the effect of generating negative Shannon Information. The reason for this negativity is that if life should form as a result of the conditions which enhance its probability, then it has passed from a platonic possibility into the created world; life is then a known fact and the information is now reified and exists in the real world. 

As I have shown elsewhere this shift in the information from the platonic world of possibility to the real world occurs at a no greater rate than is implied by:

I = S + log(T)

Where I is the information content of a configuration, S is the minimum length of the algorithm needed to generate the configuration with a minimum number of execution steps of T.

I give a derivation of this mathematical form in two papers that can accessed from here and here. I have subsequently been working on a more sophisticated version of this expression and will publish this work in due course. 

The thing to note is that information can in principle be created by a physical regime: But if that physical regime is a parallel processor, this information is only created very slowly with the logarithm of time T.  Hence, the contention one hears from fundamentalists and NAIDs that physical processes can't create information is false, mislead as they are by the slow logarithmic production of information in parallel processing mode. It becomes manifestly false if parallel processing is superseded by the exponentials of expanding parallelism; cue quantum theory....


THREE)The second law of thermodynamics and the diffusion equation. Assuming that configuration space has at least some regions in it crossed by the thin fibrils of the spongeam then as the diffusion in configuration space expands there is a chance that this expansion reaches the life creating regions in that space. Thus, although in these regions of configuration space organization is increasing this may well be offset by regions in configuration space, unconstrained by the spongeam where disorder is most definitely increasing thus more than cancelling the increase in order elsewhere; this looks to be the status quo in our cosmos where overall entropy is always increasing. Thus, it doesn't follow that the emergence of life necessarily violates the second law of thermodynamics.  One Biblical literalist looks to have twigged this fact. 

The diffusion equation below opens up the possibility of many scenarios where local order increases but overall order decreases......

See here for more on this equation. The spongeam can be patched in across configuration space with the factor V. This factor is a function of the coordinates in configuration space. 


The above thoughts, which I don't push with any political gusto or over-motivated group-commitment, will naturally set me at odds with NAID culture which identifies too strongly with unwoke group think. I advance these concepts as an area of personal exploration uncommitted as I am to either the tribes of the woke or unwoke. 

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