Monday, December 04, 2023

I'm Feeling Lucky

The above Google search, "Reeves Probability" + "I'm feeling lucky", used to work in favour of the paper I wrote on probability and then after a while it stopped working. But I seem to have "struck lucky" again and the "I'm feeling lucky" search now comes up with this:

It's rather neat that "I'm feeling lucky" should come up with a paper on chance and probability!

With the advent of statistical and quantum mechanics, probability and chance are ubiquitous in physics. Also, in common speech we hear about events being "just chance", or "just luck" or "random"; events are often written off as insignificant and meaningless on the basis of these emotive labels.  

But "chance", "luck" and "random" cannot be used coherently unless you know what you mean by these terms. So, with this in mind in the 1980s off I went and after long investigation & thought I wrote a paper on probability and also a small book on randomness with the purpose of probing the meanings of these often glibly used terms.  The above link returns the probability paper. The link to my indy-book on randomness is here:

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