
Thursday, January 02, 2025

The "Conversion" of Richard Dawkins

That makes me a Cultural Christian++.

Good on yer Richard! No complaints from me about that sentiment.

An interesting article has been published by William Dembski on the North American Intelligent Design Website Evolution News. This article is about atheist Richard Dawkins' "conversion" from a "lump-all-religions-together" as unequivocally evil to his mellowing attitude toward Christianity, a mellowing to such an extent that he now refers to himself as a "Cultural Christian" (although still an atheist at core of course). Read Dembski's article here...

 No. 3 Story of 2024: The New Cultural Christian | Evolution News

I'm glad to say that Dembski usually leaves me with a favourable impression especially as he has a tendency to not float some of the crassly stupid ideas that we get from other North American Intelligent Design pundits like Casey Luskin, Eric Hedin, Granville Sewell, Wesley J Smith etc. For more on the reactionary content of these NAID commentators and more see here:

Luskin: Quantum Non-Linearity: NAID Part IV: Evolution: Creation on Steriods

Smith: Quantum Non-Linearity: NAID Part V: Politics and North American Intelligent Design

Hedin & Sewell: Quantum Non-Linearity: NAID pundits Hedin and Sewell rightly criticized

Nametti and Holloway: Quantum Non-Linearity: Breaking Through the Information Barrier in Natural History Part 5

In contrast to the inept commentary we get from the above NAID pundits, the article by Dembski is a worthy read and he describes how Richard Dawkins himself has helped open atheism's pandora's box releasing the sociological monsters of societal, cultural & personal relativism, Marxist fundamentalism, postmodernism, nihilist secularism and the like*, the very things that stick in the gullet of not only Christians but also scientifically trained modernists like Dawkins whose chief axiom is that science is in the business of pursuing fruitful truthful goals. 


I did an essay on Richard Dawkins myself as far back as 1993 commenting in particular on the emerging postmodern unstable conceptual feedback that the descent into a nihilist version of atheism all too often leads to. See the following link for that essay.....


See also:

Quantum Non-Linearity: Evolution, Unstable Conceptual Feedback & Nihilism


Some of my other comments on William Dembski's work can be seen at these links.....

Quantum Non-Linearity: NAID pundit William Dembski on AI

Quantum Non-Linearity: Evolution and Islands of functionality

Quantum Non-Linearity: Extracts from a blog post by William Dembski

Quantum Non-Linearity: Dembski: oppressed by the suffocating trappings of piety

Quantum Non-Linearity: Dembski: “I’m not denying evolutionary gradualism, challenging common descent or Natural Selection” (!!!!)

ADDENDUM 11/01/25

In the following post on Evolution News Dembski mentions the so called "conservation of information"...

The Displacement Fallacy: Evolution’s Shell Game | Evolution News

This is something I disagree with Dembski about: Information can be created but only at a very slow logarithmic rate according to

I = S + Log (T)

Where I quantifies information, S is the starting information and T is a measure of the time needed to create I.  The slow creation of information has misled some to think that it can't be created. But this equation only applies for parallel processes. It is not necessarily valid for expanding parallelism (See here and here for more).

Another point of disagreement I have with Dembski is his epistemic filter. See here:

Quantum Non-Linearity: IDists! Here's another fine mess they’ve gotten us into!


* One might lump these philosophies under the unhelpful heading of "Woke". "Woke" is a coarse-grained term which gets overused by the far-right to categorise any critics of far-right thinking such as myself: In their books I'm likely to be accused of being "Woke"! See here for example... Views, News and Pews: Woke vs. Unwoke.  And let me be clear that I regard the philosophy of the authoritarian religious far-right at least as dangerous that of the far left. 

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