
Saturday, December 21, 2024

Let's Carry on Carriering Part III

In this post I continue analyzing a blog post by super-duper, self-recommending professional atheist Richard Carrier. 

For most of the last two parts of this series (See Part I and Part II) I was actually getting on quite well with Richard's post titled The Problem with Nothing: Why The Indefensibility of Ex Nihilo Nihil Goes Wrong for Theists • Richard Carrier Blogs

I probably agree with Richard in so far as agreeing that many theists have muffed their arguments re. the existence of God. For example: The cosmological argument, the ontological argument, the fine-tuning argument, the Kalem argument, the first cause argument, the moral argument etc are for the most part polemical bodges.  In fact, we can drop all those arguments in this particular connection as my terms of reference are restricted to a critique of Richard's post; in my opinion his arguments as to the ultimate source of the cosmos are no less bodged than those arguments for God I've listed. (And I say that as Christian myself; for me theism is a retrospective sense making abduction)

As we saw in Part II crucial to Richard's argument is his concept of "Nothing", that is "Nothing" spelt with a capital N. "Nothing" is the hard kernel of irreducible logical truisms that you are left with when you've subtracted all logical contingencies; that is mere logical possibilities. It's unfortunate terminology that he's called it "Nothing" because as we saw in Part II it is clear that Nothing is in fact Something and a very sophisticated Something at that! This is clear because to create Richard's much desired randomness a very sophisticated source of creation is required. Other than that, however, Richard doesn't and probably can't give us much detail about just what constitutes Nothing (= Something). I can go along with Richard's identification of this mysterious irreducible Nothing (= Something). Moreover, it seems that this Something is the origin of our apparently highly contingent universe with all its ordered and random complexities. Wow!

But in the second half of Part II, it became very clear to me that as he developed his reasoning our Richard, in his enthusiasm to debunk theism, is utterly unaware that he goes completely off the logical rails. The consequences of the resulting train cash are then felt throughout the rest of his post. As we get to his Proposition 7 he continues to consolidate his error....


Richard: Proposition 7: If nothing (except logical necessity) prevents anything from happening to Nothing, then every logically possible thing that can happen to Nothing has an equal probability of occurring.

Every logically possible thing that can happen to Nothing is as likely to happen as every other possible thing that can happen. This is a logically necessary truth. So it again cannot be denied without denying Proposition 1. Or, again, Proposition 4, if you want to desperately wrestle again with what it means for Nothing to be ungoverned by any rules about what happens—but you’ll lose every time; because that’s what Nothing logically entails. So the only way out left is to go all the way back to becoming one of those whackadoos who deny Proposition 1. Good luck with that.

My Comment: Well, as I said in Part II, I would want to enthusiastically embrace Proposition 1 and Proposition 4, but as I also said in Part II, I certainly wouldn't accept Richard's interpretations which he goes on to construct upon these propositions. 

As we've seen Nothing (= Something) is a very mysterious object, and Richard isn't elaborating it. That's fair enough though; we are all a bit in the dark about the Unknown God Something that is the origin of the universe. Richard acknowledges the existence of this Big Unknown in his entirely acceptable Proposition 3 where he says If there was ever Nothing, then nothing governs or dictates what will become of that Nothing, other than what is logically necessaryWhatever the Big Unknown is it must be logically necessary.

But, and here's the kicker, in the above courier font quote Richard also tells us: 

if you want to desperately wrestle again with what it means for Nothing to be ungoverned by any rules about what happens—but you’ll lose every time; because that’s what Nothing logically entails.

Now compare that statement with Proposition 3 where we read If there was ever Nothing, then nothing governs or dictates what will become of that Nothing, other than what is logically necessary. Notice the difference? Richard has suppressed that Big Unknown; namely, "what is logically necessary". Clearly Nothing is governed by rules; that is the rules of logical necessity, whatever they may be. He also tells us above what he thinks one of those logical rules governing Nothing might be: Viz: 

Every logically possible thing that can happen to Nothing is as likely to happen as every other possible thing that can happen. This is a logically necessary truth.

That is, Richard is trying to get past us the very questionable notion that equal a priori probabilities is a truism from which he can then deduce a dynamic which leads to every possible happenstance that can happen (presumably at random) at some point or other. But as I said in Part II, probability only coherently pertains to observer information about possible happenings. It is therefore contingent upon the existence of an observer whose information may vary from other observers; that is, equal a priori probabilities is an observer relative feature. Moreover, observers able to compute ratios of possibilities (which is how probability is defined) are necessarily very sophisticated entities, entities about which it is unclear whether they are logical necessities or not; certainly, when it comes to individual human observers it seems we are not talking logical necessity.

Richard then jumps from that error to another error: Viz: That of assuming that once one has a probability, it implies a dynamic about what then actually happens: I suspect he is thinking "randomness" here; randomness is a configurational object which does in fact display a highly complex form of contingency rather than being a logical necessity. Moreover, as we saw in Part II randomness does not necessarily follow from an observer relative probability. 

In noting these logical errors there is no need to deny Proposition 1 as Richard's whackdoos do. 


Richard: In case it’s not obvious, here is why Proposition 7 is logically necessarily the case:

1. For any one possible thing that can happen to Nothing to be more probable than another, some rule, property, or power would have to exist to make it so.

2. By definition Nothing contains no rules, properties, or powers.

3. Therefore, no rule, property, or power would exist to make any one possible thing that can happen to Nothing more probable than another.

4. Therefore, no possible thing that can happen to Nothing can be more probable than another.

So accepting Proposition 1, and thus Proposition 2, you must accept Proposition 7. As Proposition 7 merely states what is logically necessarily the case when 1 and 2. And 1 and 2 entail that that which is logically necessarily the case must always obtain whenever there is Nothing.

My Comment: The foregoing is utterly incoherent. Richard is trying to tell us that Nothing has no rules and yet he has admitted that it is constrained by what is logically true (fair enough) and then goes on to identify what he thinks to be one of those logical truths : Viz equal a priori probabilities (which isn't a logical truth and is observer relative) and then wrongly logically connects this with a dynamic with the ability to generate contingencies (at random?). So again, whilst we can enthusiastically embrace propositions 1 and 2, I must reject proposition 7 which is a fanciful invention of Richard's imagination and is certainly not a logical truism. 

In his proposition 8  Richard continues to build his house of cards.....


Richard: Proposition 8: If every logically possible thing that can happen to Nothing has an equal probability of occurring, then every logically possible number of universes that can appear has an equal probability of occurring.

This is logically entailed by the conjunction of Propositions 6 and 7. So again it cannot be denied without denying, again, Proposition 1.

My Comment: That's Richard's continued abuse of probability for you! As I've said probability is not logically fundamental or axiomatic.  For probability to be an intelligible concept one must first posit observers sophisticated enough to construct and understand ratios of possibilities. And again, Richard wrongly assumes that probability logically entails the dynamics of random happenstance. So, as with proposition 7, in his botched enunciation of proposition 8 Richard finds himself up a creek without a paddle. He tries to pressure our acquiescence to this nonsense by the intimidating suggesting that if we don't accept it then we commit the cardinal logical sin of not accepting proposition 1. And I thought it was only cult leaders like Ken Ham who try to intimidate! 


Richard's suggestion as to the potential source of the cosmos is beginning to look suspiciously like the passe notion of a random generator as the source of the cosmos and that we necessarily exist in what by chance is a very ordered part of that immense maximally disordered cosmos. I'm not going to be too hard on him here because this common fanciful invention of the imagination, which conjures up the specter of a meaningless random universe, is a nightmare which confronts us all at some time or other as it did for example Conan-Doyle's hero Sherlock Holmes in the short story, The Cardboard Box:

“What is the meaning of it, Watson?” said Holmes, solemnly, as he laid down the paper. “What object is served by this circle of misery and violence and fear? It must tend to some end, or else our universe is ruled by chance, which is unthinkable. But to what end? There is the great standing perennial problem to which human reason is as far from an answer as ever.”

So, I'm in no position to be judgmental of genuine boarder-line atheists (like for example Mr. mice guy Brian Cox and that should also include Don Cupitt) who are an understandably having a struggle giving meaning to the cosmos.  But in Richard's case we must factor in that he is a professional atheist whose income depends on him fervently, vehemently and vociferously defending his brand of atheism just as theme park manager Ken Ham defends his lucrative brand of young earthism at all costs using the most insulting of spiritual terms about those who disagree with him, as we have seen. be continued


1. Sir Richard Attenborough's comments are worthy of applause in my view: 

Quantum Non-Linearity: David Attenborough on God

Friday, December 13, 2024

NAID pundits Hedin and Sewell rightly criticized

Acknowledgement: I think this picture comes from the Faraday Institute, 
a Christain organization of scientists. It sums up well the NAID 
 community's dogmatic and entrenched (and politicized) version of 
Intelligent Design

In a post on Panda's Thumb Evomathematician Joe Felsenstein justifiably criticizes North American Intelligent Design (NAID) pundits Eric Hedin and Granville Sewell for the weakness of their anti-evolution arguments. See Felsenstein's article here: Eric Hedin, meet Granville Sewell

I have critiqued the work of both Sewell and Hedin myself. Below are links to some of the articles I've written.


Quantum Non-Linearity: NAID pundit William Dembski on AI

Quantum Non-Linearity: North American Intelligent Design's response to my 27 June & 2 July posts. Part 2

Quantum Non-Linearity: North American Intelligent Design's response to my last two posts. Part 1


Quantum Non-Linearity: Make it IDist proof and along comes a better IDist

Quantum Non-Linearity: Caution! You are about to enter Intelligent Design's false dichotomy zone!

Quantum Non-Linearity: Western Dualism in the North American Intelligent Design Community. Part 2

Quantum Non-Linearity: IDISTS

Quantum Non-Linearity: Once More into the False Dichotomy Zone: "Naturalism vs. Design".

Quantum Non-Linearity: Evolution and Computation

Quantum Non-Linearity: Granville Sewell; Still Getting it Wrong.

Quantum Non-Linearity: Thermodynamics and Evolution – Again.

And while I'm here: I have also critiqued IDists Nametti and Holloway for their halfcocked notion of "Algorithmic Specified Complexty".  See here:

Quantum Non-Linearity: Breaking Through the Information Barrier in Natural History Part 5

And again, while I'm here it's unfair to miss out Casey Luskin:

Quantum Non-Linearity: Naive Intelligent Design: Part III


Felsenstein presents two examples of the kind of hand waving arguments we get from these two NAID pundits. About Hedin's hand waving Felsenstein writes: 

Eric Hedin’s argument [against evolution] boils down to simple incredulity, without any logical proof of a barrier to evolution by ordinary evolutionary processes.

In my opinion that sums up much of the anti-evolution polemic one gets from the NAID tribe as a whole. But although one can criticize NAID thinking at a technical level (as does Felsenstein) it is also possible to criticize them from the very theistic basis which we know motivates most NAID endeavors; that is, NAID logic has internal incoherence. As a Christian myself this approach interests me (But of course one can't expect an atheist like Joe Felsenstein to respect a theistic approach).

As I've repeated so many times in this blog the NAID community as a whole are intoxicated by a blind natural forces versus intelligent design dichotomy. The irony is that the concept of Intelligent Design itself actually undermines the NAID community's dualistic dichotomy: For if one posits a creator God (as I do) then the very concept of blind natural forces becomes problematic; if an Omniscient, Omnipotent God has created those highly contingent and very special "natural forces" with the foresight of omniscience they can hardly be usefully labeled as blind and natural. See the following link where I suggest it is at least arguable that even standard evolution (if, repeat if, it has occurred) is not only highly unnatural but in fact constitutes creation with a vengeance....

Quantum Non-Linearity: NAID Part IV: Evolution: Creation on Steriods

See also the link below for Christian biologist Denis Alexander's comments which are in effect critical of NAID....

Quantum Non-Linearity: Denis Alexander: "I would suggest dropping the term 'methodological naturalism'"

Just as the NAID folk have irreversibly committed themselves (unnecessarily) to an outright anti-evolutionism they have similarly committed themselves (unnecessarily) to an outright and dogmatic anti-Junk DNA position. Again, ID itself undermines NAID's absolute certainty of this position: For even if we allow that life entailed an Omniscient, Omnipotent God directly tinkering with DNA during its long natural history we know so little about the methods and motives of that inscrutable intelligence that it is quite possible that like a human programmer this entity, for whatever mysterious reason, decided to leave or even insert dormant and redundant code in the DNA. None of this is to say that junk DNA exists (or doesn't exist), but the absence of junk DNA isn't a necessary implication of ID. 

I've come to the opinion that NAID thinking has less to do with a dispassionate intellectual position than it does the taking up of a variety of polemical postures which have more to do with tribal political badging (and badgering) than the studied detachment of heroic investigative thinking: See my article here: Quantum Non-Linearity: NAID Part V: Politics and North American Intelligent Design. Linked to their political branding are politically contrarian and anti-academic-establishment notions connected with climate change, vaccines, masks, gun law, sex & gender and paranoia about a large deep state and regulation of capitalist excesses (*1). One also has to throw into the mix young earthism, flat earthism and even conspiracy theorism and Trumpism, all of which are tribal subdivisions within the broad church of what is essentially an anti-establishment popularist movement. 

The arrogant atheism of someone like Richard Carrier is fueling the politically polarizing fires with his own very flawed version of "natural forces". Carrier simply doesn't understand probability and randomness which to his mind can be (ab)used as the ultimate logical truisms, the ultimate insentient creative "natural force". For him probability is at the heart of an atheist mythology about the aseity of a creative source which stands in as a kind of god-dynamic. Interestingly Sea of Faith theologian (and atheist!) Don Cupitt also gets carried away with the subliminal but spurious & curious assumption that the "mechanical universe" entails a self-sustaining efficacy; see here: Quantum Non-Linearity: The Sea of Faith and Don Cupitt. Part I.

For more on the popularist vs establishment polarization see here: Views, News and Pews: Religious Popularism vs Academia).

Finally let me make this clear: Along with Christian physicist and theologian John Polkinghorne I can claim to be an intelligent design creationist, but I reject the NAID community's entrenched, dogmatic and highly politicized popularist version of ID. In the early days of this blog I was sympathetic, but no longer. 


I was interested to read this quick report by David Klinghoffer on a NAID conference at the prestigious wood-paneled Cambridge University (UK)...

“Doesn’t the Fossil Record Prove Darwin Right?” | Evolution News

He raises well known challenges to standard evolutionary theory (e.g. The fossil record doesn't appear to provide strong evidence of that necessary implication of standard evolution, namely evolutionary gradualism). It's no skin off my nose if the current proposed mechanisms of evolution are false since I haven't put down big stakes (either way) in bog-standard evolutionary mechanisms.

But of course, NAID has huge stakes in anti-evolutionism (They have also put down big political stakes). With its intoxicating "natural forces vs evolution" dichotomy it has inextricably tied their version of ID to an anti-evolutionary position (*2). This of course means that should a successful development mechanism of natural history gain sufficient evidence their dichotomy would imply that ID is false and atheist Richard Dawkins who is enamored of the same dichotomy wins!

Klinghoffer betrays his intoxication with the NAID dichotomy when at the end of an otherwise agreeable post writes of the discontinuities in the fossil record.....

Such explosions of creativity are just what you’d predict from the activity of a designing mind, a source of biological information outside nature that has shaped the long history of life.

Sorry David that's not a necessary prediction of ID. As I've said so often, even bog-standard evolution requires careful design. But like Richard Dawkins NAID is having none of it: According to NAID, if evolution has occurred then we must all become atheists like our Richard!


*1. Anger at private health insurers: Fuel for Marxist agitators!

The dark fandom behind CEO murder suspect Luigi Mangione - BBC News

*2 I'm of the opinion that NAID has driven its stakes so deeply because they are now part of an anti-establishment popularist political trend with Trump-world as the chief bellwether.


1. May be not!

 A scientist may have just proven that we all live inside a computer simulation

2. Put science into the hands of market entrepreneurs?

Scientists as scoundrels

Far right Libertarianism.....

Milei has not minced words about his feelings towards scientists. Rather than having their research subsidized by the government, he said during a forum in September, “I invite them to go out into the market. Investigate, publish and see if people are interested or not, instead of hiding like scoundrels behind the coercive force of the state”.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

The Sea of Faith and Don Cupitt. Part I


Don Cupitt's perception of the Sea of Faith; What Sea? Beware; you never know when
the tide might sweep back in.

I well remember Don Cupitt's Sea of Faith series when it was first aired on BBC2 TV in 1984. The series has recently been re-aired on BBC4 and so I watched episode one again for the first time since 1984. In fact, as I was able to record it this time I actually viewed it twice more and made notes as I watched. 

I remember at my first viewing in 1984 thinking that Cupitt seemed to have fallen into the well-known trap of the science vs religion dichotomy. This was surprising given that otherwise Don Cupitt seemed so well qualified academically speaking. But no, he had just caved in and simply accepted that the so-called mechanical universe heroically promoted by Christians such as Galileo and Descartes (and eventually Kepler, Newton, Faraday and Maxwell all of whom were idiosyncratic believers) entailed an entirely secular world which gave any realist notion of God its redundancy notice. 

Well, my second and third watching of the first episode simply reinforced my 1984 opinion of Cupitt's take on the relation of science and God. In his Sea of Faith series Cupitt promotes the idea that God and religion are merely useful mythical, mystical and metaphorical human constructions (or opiates?) which help humanity cope with its loneliness in an otherwise huge and utterly impersonal cosmos. Religion and God, according to Cupitt, have no greater reality than that. As wiki says [Cupitt's] views more closely follow that of an atheist seeking to live a morally good life, separate from any belief in, or need of, a relationship with God. "Atheist" was how I would have described his views in 1984 and I think a lot of people, both religious and non-religious thought the same at the time. The only difference between Cupitt and many other atheists was that Cupitt believed humanity should be free to indulge its imaginative but superstitious religious instincts. 

To me it seems that both Descartes and Galileo were believers who were impressed by the highly organized mechanisms of the universe and like the later Newton saw God's hand in that organization. But Cupitt's interpretation of the findings of science was to my mind and still is, startlingly naive. To Cupitt the discovery of these comprehensive ordered mathematical patterns of nature automatically meant that any sacred meaning they had could be ditched. According to Cupitt, in Galileo's dynamic vision of the universe motion was "built-in" and therefore it was "no longer necessary to appeal to the action of a divine mover who keeps that universe energized". Just as the rain fell on both the just and the unjust the mechanical universe just kept working for everyone without the need for magical ritual or intervention by either God or man. In Cupitt's mind science fully explained (as opposed to merely described) the workings of the world; the latter was a self-sufficient machine without the need for theocratic input. 

Then and now, Cupitt's line of argument seemed to me so utterly stupid as to be beyond belief: As Galileo, Descartes and Newton were aware, although the world could be described in mathematical patterns these patterns were highly contingent and for anyone of a religious turn of mind, they presented a huge mystery which invited further mystical and religious reaction. The world might well behave like a well-oiled machine, but its ultimate origin and maintenance remained as baffling a mystery as ever, and hence we were back to square one on the religious/god question. Cupitt had overlooked the obvious and not only had he underrated the religious reaction of Descartes, Galileo, Newton and the like but also failed to do any justice to these figures: They were either ignored or written off as merely promoting the hollow God of the Philosophers. Guided by his preconceived prejudices Cupitt had unfairly sampled scientific opinion on the subject of God. In its place he was promoting the folk perception of science:  Viz: The cosmos was like a clock and good clocks don't need human management while they are running, therefore why would the cosmos need a god?  Clueless.


At the time it would have been easy for me to write-off Cupitt as just another pundit presenting an all too typical hackneyed misrepresentation of science and then forgotten all about him. But as it turned out his reaction to his own passe concepts was to weigh strangely in the scales of my own thinking. A few years after I had watched the series (I had also purchased the book) I was making heavy weather of some of the gnostic-like aspects of contemporary Christian evangelicalism.  To my surprise I found that Cupitt had given me insight into the condition behind these circumstances. It was ironic that Cupitt's reaction to the elegant intellectualisms of science had parallels in contemporary evangelical Christianity: Evangelicalism's own version of the reactionary existential angst triggered by the apparently soulless and profane mechanical world had taken the form of an escape into the high subjectivism of the inner life with its sublime epiphanies. Moreover, Cupitt's stark account of those Godless so-called "natural forces" was to surface again although in negated form among the North American Intelligent Design community (NAID). Many thanks to Don Cupitt for helping me make some sense of these situations, but perhaps not in the way he and the Sea of Faith movement would have applauded! be continued